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We offer a variety of pop- up workshops, community event partnerships & curriculum  to encourage creative exploration into the natural world. Eco-friendly holistic focused fun! From fairies to making a video while creating a garden, we are excited to provide ways for children to participate along side adult oriented gatherings.


Digital Curriculum
Upcoming events
Vancouver Island Homesteading Fair
June 3rd- 4th  10am-5pm at the Shawnigan Cobble Hill Farmers Institute
The intention of the fair is to foster the exchange of knowledge, skills and experience in supporting a secure, vibrant & sustainable
island community! With a bounty of presentations as well as exhibits and vendors. The Fair is a free event and welcomes all to
come, share & connect.
Past events



Woodland Adventures: Tuesdays April 26- May 31 , 2:45-4:45pm

An after school walk from Cumberland Community School into the Cumberland Community Forest. We will play games & learn to identify local plants & wildlife and ways to interact with our forest. Through exploration of bear & cougar safety, encouraging an attitude of land stewardship, appreciation & protection. This program is free for children grades 1-3 & is open to home learners as well. I am also open to parents accompanying younger children to explore with us. To register for this programs: Contact Sue at 250-336-8511 ext. 76616 or


Rainbow Love Family Gathering: March 20-27

I will be offering garden related offerings throughout the week in beautiful Sooke.

“Come join us & the Rainbow Love Family Tribe for 8 days of conscious community

vibin’, starting on the cusp of the Vernal Equinox. We are growing community through

ceremony,music, dance, food sharing, workshops, play, elemental spa, crystal healing,

sound seed sessions,Hunter-gathering and more!” For more info contact

Naomi at


Woodland Adventures: Tuesdays February & March , 2:45-4:45pm

An after school walk from Cumberland Community School into the Cumberland Community

Forest. We will play games & learn to identify local plants & wildlife and ways to interact with our forest. Through exploration of bear & cougar safety, encouraging an attitude of land stewardship, appreciation & protection. This program is free for children grades 1-3 & is open to home learners as well. I am also open to parents accompanying younger children to explore with us. To register for this programs: Contact Sue at 250-336-8511 ext. 76616 or



















Turkey Tail Nature Spring Break Camp

April 6th- 10th 2015 * 9am-3pm Ages 6-10 * $30 per day, Greenhaven Farm in Merville & Seal Bay Park *Gardening * Wild crafting * Fairies & Beasts *Nature Scavenger hunts * Crafts * Creepy crawlies* Games * Forest & ocean exploration *Bird study * Music creation * Geo-caching & more! This outdoor education focused camp is presented by Nurture Your Nature & Heart Seeds For more information please contact us at



Harvest Trade & Open Mic

Come join in the spirit of abundance!

Saturday, March 28 at 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Lush Valley Food Action Society 1126F Piercy Ave, Courtenay

Local crafters and harvesters are welcome to an afternoon of trading goods!We all have our own unique gifts and honed talents to share with our community. Bring your teas, mushrooms, starts and seeds, knitted scarves, smoked salmon, carvings and whatever else you have to share. Do note that we would like you to register for this event and let us know what you will be bringing! This is also an OPEN MIC so please bring your instruments, poems and funny stories!

Let’s build our trading networks! For further information please contact our office at 250-331-0152 or




























Young cooks

Tuesday’s February 17th- March 17th 4pm-6:30pm

Our after school program welcomes youth ages 10-14 to learn basic cooking and nutrition skills while preparing dinner for their family.For more information contact
































We are coordinating “The Kid’s Zone” at Earth Day April 26!

Transition Town Comox Valley and a plethora of organizations are collaborating to create the first Earth Week April 22-26! There will be a series of workshops and entertainment for all ages! The week long celebration will end with an Earth Festival at Lake Trail Middle School April 26, 10am-4pm. We are happy to say we will be coordinating the Kids Zone and are open for the communities ideas and involvement. We could use a few more volunteers to over see some of the prepared activities and share you love for the earth! For more information about the week of events check out :O)




Be Mother Earth Spring Break Camp     March 17th- 21th 9am-3pm


An interactive exploration of our natural environment through forest walks,

creative activities and games. Students will focus on specifics area of nature

and look for the message in the moment. For example: visit a creek and talk

about what it is like to be a creek and the role that it plays in relation to the

larger community of plants and animals. Then explore ways there could be an

upset to the river, such toxic cleaning cleaning products etc. Students then reflect on the experiences through a creative activity to discover what the creek is telling them. Pictures are then taken of the creations which will then be complied at the end of the program to deliver a message from "mother earth". A fun, open, creative process oriented journey for participants whom enjoy spending time in nature and exploring the everyday magic around us. Ages 5 and up, $40 per day, Subsidy available


Home learner's garden club      Starting April 1st       Tuesdays 10am- 1pm


Come hang out in the Fairy Fort Garden in Cumberland to experience the magic of growing your own nourishment. We will begin by building your own garden plot, starting seeds and will continue though out the season until we can make lunch straight out of the garden. Ages 6 and up! Depending on the amount of interest we may provide two days for different age ranges:O) Price is dependent on the number of participants.


Early dismissal forest walks April 9, 30      May 14, 28 1-3pm Pick up from Cumberland Elementary and then will head straight into the community forest for nature exploration. We will meet back at the school at 3pm $ 5 per child




Multi Cultural Gathering

"Honoring Women Building Community for Mother Earth"

August 30 at 6:00pm until September 1 at 10:00pm

Creative space for strengthening unity between all nations for the health and well being of all life on Mother Earth.

This gathering is for commUnity to share cultures while developing new skills and connections and strengthening old skills and connections. Holistic Health, Fire Councils, Spoken word, dances from various nations, Pow Wow drummers, guided walks: Indigenous food and traditional medicine, decolonization circles, meditation, dance party, crafters, Hand made goods,Social/Environmental Justice Groups Initiatives, Interactive Art Tables and much more:O)
All Welcome, All Nations, All Generations, All our Relations.
Cultural Traditional Dancers, Singers, Spoken word Poets

Offering Workshops in Tipi or Outside Aug 31st-Sept 1st :

Holistic Health,Fire Councils,Decolonization Circle, CommUnity Strategy meeting for local clean drinking waters,Guided walks,Spoken word, Wild food,open to more participation,Tables August 31st- Sept 1st: Crafters/healthy foods/Hand Made goods.Social/Environmental Justice Groups Initiatives,Interactive Art Tables,Zero Waste Goal: Bring your own dish, bowl, cup, utensil, Registration by Donation, We need volunteers, For more Info
250 218 8049 or 250 667 6482


Humanure workshop at Starchild Nature Educational Centre 
June 15 at 12:00pm until June 16 at 4:00pm

Discover the wonderful world where human poop has a purpose!
Give your father the gift of “Black Gold”

In prep for up coming events this summer, we are holding a workshop to build a double humanure outhouse at Star Child Education Center in Mill Bay for the father's day weekend:O)

We are importing the oh so inspiring Megan Blu from The Broom Forest Project on Denman Island to teach us how to turn our poop into fertilizer. She will show us step by step how to build the system, explain why humanure important, process' to follow, how to take your ground water into consideration and other helpful hints for starting your own composting toilet.

We will be building an above ground, double birth outhouse to provide easy access to the "black gold" for multiple years. We are doing our best to source recycled materials and put all our waste from other projects to good use!

This experience is being offered on a sliding scale of $20- 50, as we wish to make it accessible to all. Other forms of exchange will be excepted, so do talk to us about this. We'll mostly likely work from noon- 5pm on Saturday and 10- 4pm on Sunday

For registration, carpool or more information please email or call 250-218-8049

Till then, Happy pooping:O)






Nature Education exploration

Free Event- All Ages- All Day

Saturday, January 26, 2013   

Come hang out and network with awesome earth

revolutionaries. Join in where you are called.

Rebuilding a wild ecosystem: Harvest scotch broom, Prepping for Reishi Mushrooms to grow outside,Planting Native Coniferous Trees weather permitting, Wood pole gathering for spring teepee, Potentially building more humanure Toilets.
- Prepping for spring planting

Lunch: Soup. Salad, Grain Creation

· CommUnity discussion on supporting Nature Education locally, What do we carry forward and what do we leave behind from Indigenous Education and settler Education? Interactive art tables for creating your visions. Sharing of Social / Environmental initiatives. Offering ways to support.

Dinner: Potluck

· Gathering around the Bonfire, Sharing Songs, Stories, Music..bring instruments/ outside chair! There is floor space if you need a place to rest for the evening. Bring your sleeping bags.
Contact Chantal for carpool match up:O) 250-218-8049







Joe's Garage November 17 2012

We'll begin the night with yummy high powered goodies and 80 minutes of youth made films with the 2012 Reel Youth Film Festival. The stage and screen will then be open for people to share with the community.

Reel Youth is a not-for-profit, media empowerment program supporting young people to create and distribute films about their visions for a more just and sustainable world.

This is an all ages show and tell/ open mic. This is your soap box! What do you have to express?

Admission is $10 suggested donation
An assortment of desserts and savory goodness will be available for purchase $2- 10

Doors and food at 6,
film at 6:45,
open mic from 8:30- 11,
DJS start at 11:O)

Proceeds will go towards a peculating film project & Friends of Cortes.

Call Chantal at 250-218-8049 for more info!























Come join in the fun at our 100% local dinner <3 movie night at Coastal Trek Resort, October8th 2011









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