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My name is Chantal Solomon, my ancestors came from eastern Turtle Island,  Northern Africa, and Western Europe.
They placed me in Vancouver BC in the late eighties. 20 years later I found solace in learning to grow and process plants. I was I had moved to a new town to study Special Education. I moved into a communal house on a whim. I had only met the owner of the house and soon found myself living with 5 roommates. They were tranforming the yard to be able to grow food. I joined in because I had just done my first college level research paper on the history of pestice use in North Amrica.I found healing, transformation and purpose while working with plants. 


I have a direct relationship with all of the creations I promote. The majority of my wild harvesting is done with prayer, song & art in the K'ómoks and Nuu-chal-nulth Territories (Central Vancouver Island, Cascadia Region); as this is where I learned plant medicine and continue to consult with the medicine women of the area.

 I started Heart Seed Creative as a platform to house my creations & collaborations. 


  She studied special needs education, herbal medicine, permaculture, visual arts, and meditation.  Chantal's creative drive is influenced by her work with plants, listening to the stories of the global community and a commitment to regenerative practices that celebrate age-old techniques while utilizing the best of modern technology.    Chantal is a creative facilitator that shares her passion for plant knowledge in various capacities with all ages, abilities & orientations. Her facilitation philosophy has been inspired by Metis culture, inquiry-based learning & Reggio Emilia. 

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