My name is Chantal Solomon, my ancestors came from eastern Turtle Island, Northern Africa, and Western Europe.
They placed me in Vancouver BC in the late eighties. 20 years later I found solace in learning to grow and process plants. I was I had moved to a new town to study Special Education. I moved into a communal house on a whim. I had only met the owner of the house and soon found myself living with 5 roommates. They were tranforming the yard to be able to grow food. I joined in because I had just done my first college level research paper on the history of pestice use in North Amrica.I found healing, transformation and purpose while working with plants.
I have a direct relationship with all of the creations I promote. The majority of my wild harvesting is done with prayer, song & art in the K'ómoks and Nuu-chal-nulth Territories (Central Vancouver Island, Cascadia Region); as this is where I learned plant medicine and continue to consult with the medicine women of the area.
I started Heart Seed Creative as a platform to house my creations & collaborations.